Current research projects

Browse current research projects being undertaken by the Software Engineering Research Group.

ACM SIGCSE Special Project Grant -  From Student to Working Computer Science and Software Engineering Professional: Bridging the Gap

A SERG team has been successful in gaining a grant from ACM's SIGCSE (Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education). The project aims to share some of the insights of SERG members into both the education of future software professionals and industry collaborations in their preparation for practice.

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Modelling Influence in Software Ecosystems: Navigating a New Frontier

Learn about this collaborative research project supported by Catalyst: Leaders funding. It aims to help us understand the dynamics of software ecosystems and how New Zealand as a country can succeed in evolving models of open innovation.

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Building Self-Adaptation Capabilities for a Socio-Cyber Physical System of a Disa

Find out about our current research project, Building Self-Adaptation Capabilities for a Socio-Cyber Physical System of a Disaster-Affected Region.

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Our research

Our research is split between two sub groups and a number of research projects.

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